Jethro is socially awkward and emotionally fragile, but simply wouldn’t mind acceptance. Currently he’s trying to recover from awful memories from his past, deal with bipolar disorder, and get his unruly sleep schedule in check. Despite everything he can be extremely level-headed and respectful, almost annoyingly so.




Spoiled, rebellious, and often too high to care. Dolly possess a very crass and perverted personality that she proudly displays on the outside. Deep down lies her empathy desperately struggling to come to. If you enforce any rule on her she is inclined to break it.






The princess of the planet Cyclonious who is currently residing on Earth in search of a less lavish life and new friendships. Diesel is fascinated with the Earth and humans and is always searching for more information to take in. She’s unfortunately prone to missing the obvious, but means well with her extreme kindness, adorableness and compassion that makes it impossible to be snippy with her.



Well-known for being the confirmation that ghosts exist in a regular world. A dodger of interviews as he prefers to keep his backstory under wraps to the public, but he isn’t afraid to be regarded as a giant music snob in his music store. He employs an extremely lax Dolly and a very anxious Jethro, one of them Solomon seems very overprotective of…





A former cheerleader, an employee of Hemily Boutique, and a very guarded person who doesn’t like you, but she probably has a good reason. She seems to have beef with Dolly and/or Jethro, but it’s too soon to tell.







The prince of Cyclonious and Diesel’s quick-tempered older brother. Encased in unresolved grief, paranoia, and disdain for his home life, despite being so revered by nearly everyone just for existing. Not sure which he hates more, being put on a pedestal, or his own father. Genuinely a good person, but wants you to leave him alone. Not much for smiling.